SMART App Launcher

About the SMART App Launcher

The SMART App Launcher, provided by the SMART Health IT project, is a helpful tool that enables you to test your app against a public test FHIR server. If you are testing an EHR-embedded application, this allows you to test it using a simulated EHR.

To use it, go to

Using the SMART App Launcher to test your app

Here is how to test an embedded-EHR SMART app:

  1. In Launch Type, leave the default setting 'Provider EHR Launch' and 'Simulate launch within the EHR user interface'
  2. Under FHIR Version, use R4
  3. In the Patient(s) section, click the droplist selector which will open a patient selector in a new window. Select any patient and click OK.
    4.In the Provider(s) section, click the droplist selector. This opens a provider selector. Select any provider.
  4. In the Launch section, insert your Launch URL
  5. Launch the app by pressing the Launch App button.